So what is a Hormone Coach? 

As your hormone support sister I am...

One part educator

I've heard from so many friends and clients that they can't believe all that they learned from me that they never learned in school or even from family!  Knowing and understanding the beauty of the feminine design is step one in the coaching process!  And trust me, hormones rule everything in our body, so understanding the basic processes of hormones and the delicate interplay between each other and the systems of the body is foundational to success!  Understanding your own body assists you in giving grace, knowing when to push yourself, how to structure your daily routines, advocate for yourself in the medical community and understand when something isn't right and why it's not right! 


One part lifestyle coach

As you learn more about your body and its beautiful design you can learn how to optimize your health, lifestyle and choices to work with that design and not against it.  Trust me when I say this world is not designed around the feminine! Learning how to "hack" the system to work for you; cycle-syncing your life, getting tips and tricks about nutrition, sleep, movement, supplementation and low-tox living can all get you "feeling like yourself" again.  We look at your current lifestyle, your goals, your symptoms and we synthesize a co-created plan together that makes sense for you! 


One part cheerleader

I believe that deep down, women are intuitive, and most generally know what would help them feel best, even if they don't necessarily understand the mechanisms behind it!  Sometimes the biggest role that a hormone coach plays is an understanding ear and encourager! A hormone coach holds you accountable to the goals and tasks that get you what you want most; balance, energy, health, rest, community, and an abundant life filled with meaning and purpose! As a hormone coach I will remind you what you are doing well, encourage you to make small changes that add up to big results, and be there to help answer questions or walk beside you in your journey.


Reaching out for help can be difficult for any woman. It's important to me to build trust with my clients.  It's imperative that the women I support feel the sisterhood and authentic care that I have for them. The world is a noisy place full of distraction. I want my time with my clients to feel like home.

They say ("I've always wondered who "they" is!) that you can't pour from an empty cup.  My philosophy is that your cup should be overflowing with such abundance that it spills out on to everyone that's important to you! Grab a cup of tea or coffee, get cozy and let's chat about what's going great, what's maybe not so great and how we can work together to see you live your best, healthiest, happiest and hormone-iest life!

About Ilyse... 

Ilyse Kaszynski, MS, OTR/L, Hormone Coach and Educator

Ilyse is a wife, mother of three and devoted to her Christian faith. Ilyse became a massage therapist after an early passion for healing people through touch was discovered as a young teenager.

Ilyse worked for 10 years as a massage therapist and during that time she went on to receive her Masters of Science in Occupational Therapy from Western Michigan University. Ilyse worked for several years as both a pediatric and school based Occupational Therapist and running her own successful massage and bodywork practice in addition to training for 10k races and homeschooling her three children! 

During this time, Ilyse noticed that her health was struggling:  her hair was falling out, she was tired all of the time, struggled with extreme joint pain, difficult, unpredictable and painful periods with excessive bleeding. 

Ilyse decided to deep dive into the world of all things hormones to get to a better understanding of her symptoms and her own body!  She realized that stress and poor dietary choices were wreaking havoc on her system! Through this deep dive, she realized that there was so much information she never knew about the female body and hormones and decided to pursue training to become a hormone coach as much for herself as helping others!  She attended Fiat Institiute in April of 2024 to become trained as a Hormone Coach. 

When she isn't reading books about health and hormones, listening to health and wellness podcasts or talking to everyone she encounters about cervical mucus and the importance of tracking their cycles, Ilyse loves to walk, work out, hang out with her friends and family, eat chocolate, work on her amateur quilts and watch The Office!  

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